divination & plant medicine

Throughout history and all over the world, divination has often accompanied the work of healers and those who worked with plant medicine. People would come to seek counsel and solutions to their problems in the hope they might choose the right path forward.

Receiving confirmation of what we feel or believe to be true can bring a sense of relief and allow us to gain clarity. Being able to cut through the inner turmoil can be deeply healing and allow us to make better choices. Inner confusion and rumination can be the cause of much stress and imbalance In the body. Divination tools such as tarot can assist someone in reaching clarity or focus. It can also direct us to areas within our emotional landscape that require discussion and consideration. The illumination of issues that might be sitting below the surface can ultimately lead to healing and course correction.

With everything in life, what level of action we take is what really empowers us and allows us to create change and betterment within our worlds.

Divination is the insight that leads us to take action but ultimately you must listen to your inner voice and rely upon your truth regardless of what information you learn or receive.

In my practice I tend to focus on you. what is going on within you because I believe our focus should start from there. It is here where we hold the power. if we focus too much on externals the power can seemingly feel like it is being taken away from us. We are the decision makers. We have no control over others yet we have control over how we react and respond to others and life situations.

How does plant medicine relate to divination ?

Plants have been used for their physical and well as energetic properties. We also have plants that are psychotropic in nature and allow us to access other realms and higher states within us. Plants are also believed to be frequented by spirits or entities that are drawn to particular plants or trees. They are closely connected to the spirit or other worldly realms. In ancient times it was believed that before collecting plants you would need to chant and ask permission from the spirits that dwelled in the plant world. This is still practiced today.

Essential oils which are often referred to as the life force of the plant have a profound impact on the nervous system and are therefore stabilising and calming to a worried , stressed or unwell person. The healing of a person requires stabilisation of the mind, body and soul.

Ultimately we all have a need to feel safe within our bodies and feeling safe can mean many things to different people. We may not feel safe when our bodies are unwell , when our minds are racing with fears and uncertainty or our bodies have historically not felt safe due to abuse or trauma. Working to create a sense of safety and calm within is important in the healing process. It is when we have a more calm interior that we can start to access our intuition and higher knowledge. It also allows us to have more clarity and make better choices.

Aromatherapy is a great addition to your healing toolkit. It is perfect to use with other therapies such as psychology, somatic healing, yoga etc.

Both plant medicine and divination can act as guides back to ourselves, helping us to progress and move forward in our lives. Plant medicine creates the right inner environment and health and divination gives us signs and clues that are recognised by our higher self.

You can check out my tarot services here : https://www.aromaticsforwellbeing.com/shop/services

follow my tarot information on socials at: https://www.instagram.com/tarotreadingswithanna?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet&igsh=ZDNlZDc0MzIxNw==

**Tarot may not be helpful for those with mental health issues and can exacerbate heightened anxiety within certain individuals.

Please note : Health & Financial issues and decisions should be dealt with & made through consultation with a health professional or financial expert. Final decisions should always be yours to make in life. Tarot can be helpful in affirming current pathways and exploring your options. I focus more on personal issues within these readings and provide counsel on certain situations.